creating culture consciousness

Varsha Nagarajan

10/22/20221 min read

Our culture and traditions are the foundations upon which we build our identity. In the emerging world of Australia, there is a rapid growth of multiculturalism which has a positive effect in breaking boundaries between people. This is the age that has the potential to open new dimensions not only through one but many ways. The embodiment of beliefs is all about our inner guiding light that beacons the way that we can uphold for the future generations to come.

In the times of technology taking over everything that we can think of, it has kindled my thoughts about what makes art and culture stand out through times of trial and yet receive appreciation and recognition. Why has it been tremendous to that extent that it allows each one of us to explore to our hearts content about what is so natural yet unique? Our culture is not alien to us; we might just need to be conscious about it. It manifests itself in us and our relationship with our people. The concept of having a relationship with lives of many with whom we might not have had the chance to meet but still feel connected may be because we are culturally together. There is something to hold onto though we don't realise the bonds between generations and generations. This 'something' is in various forms and methods. Lineage, history, ethnicity, language, literature, music, dance, rituals, festivals, events and celebrations just to name a few.

The point is to acknowledge and appreciate what have imbibed and being grateful for it. Parents of young children have the responsibility of making it aware to their children about their background and its importance. The idea here is to make aware of rather than implying to follow blindly without reasoning. Creating an atmosphere for them to be able to appreciate, respect and embrace their culture for what it truly is rather than expecting them to be 'culturally connected' automatically is not of any use.

Knowing yourself and your roots is the beginning of all Wisdom. Being culturally connected is to be conscious about understanding what lies within, what makes it unique and how our life revolves around it.